Main information ​desk

Departure hall 2

6 am to 11 pm daily

  • Answer to all your questions
  • Copies black and white and color (20 cents/piece)
  • 1 liter bag for liquids in hand luggage (50 cents/each)
  • Lost and found office for lost items

Are you missing your suitcase? Please contact our Lost and Found team.

Lockers for luggage

In front of our centrally located parking garage P1, you will find chargeable lockers for luggage storage in various sizes. Payment is made with coins (money exchange possible at the parking service counter in the arrivals hall). You will receive a QR ticket in paper form, which you can use to reopen your locker. 

Note: In case of loss of the QR ticket, we charge additional fees in the amount of 10 euros.

Size (width x height x depth in millimeters)24 hanother 24 h
S (351 x 457 x 555)3€3€
M (351 x 620 x 555)5€5€
L (525 x 945 x 555)7€7€
Business Area

The Business Area opposite the Duty Free Shop is freely accessible to all travelers and offers workstations.

Room of Silence

Our Room of Silence is located on the 1st floor of Departure Hall 2 and is open to the public.

Smoking areas

Smoking areas are located in the forecourt of the terminal. In the waiting area by the gates you can use our smoking cabins.

Police / Border Police

The Nuremberg Airport Border Police Station is responsible for entry and exit checks on cross-border traffic and for issuing travel replacement documents in urgent exceptional cases.

Border Police

between Departures Hall 2 and Arrivals Hall

9 am to 12 am, 2 pm to 7 pm and 10 pm to 2 am

Website (german)

WLAN in the Terminal

Internet is available in all terminal areas of Nuremberg Airport.


You can use the following WIFI networks free of charge

  • Airport Free WIFI
  • @BavariaWLAN
  • Telekom

Chargeable WLAN

You can use the following WLAN networks for a fee

  • Boingo Hotspot
  • mycloud
  • Telekom